Tuesday 11 September 2012

Domestic Abuse.

This post is pretty off topic from what this blog will contain - the general beauty/fashion stuff. But for me it's an anniversary and to others, I hope it be a lesson you don't need to learn.

A year ago today, I was beaten by my ex-boyfriend. He strangled me, smacked me and threw me across a room. He endangered my life and my son's. I am a strong person and it came so out of the blue, I have never felt so weak. I contacted the Police who went on to arrest and charge said person. Victim Support and my Stepmother who just so happened to be a Domestic Violence Officer got me through it. I know I am lucky for getting away from that. I know first hand how hard it is to walk away from someone you love. I remember the 'it's just a one off' thoughts. But it never is. For me, it happened a second and a third time.

I came a cross this video earlier this week by Lauren Luke - who just so happened to be the maker of the first ever YouTube beauty video I ever watched. I owe her a lot. Please, please watch this video and just think...

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