Monday 24 September 2012

Malawi Jewellery Mini-Haul.

I live in a tiny village in semi-rural Yorkshire, UK. Yesterday, we had our annual village gala (show) that had been postponed from July due to  the terrible weather we had at the beginning of Summer. 

There was a charity there called Monkey Bay which helps run a school in Malawi. They feed the families and tutor up to 50 children at one time. I was given so much information from them, two genuinely lovely women. I have linked their Facebook here. They had sock monkeys, finger puppets, necklaces, pendants, bracelets and other little pieces. All the jewellery was made or brought over from Malawi and was genuinely beautiful. I didn't buy too much - as I had been on a little bit of a splurge for my little one who got so much stuff! 

This is the first piece I bought. The turquoise is wood and so are the little red beads, the black beads are tiny stones. It's a super cute, wearable bracelet. On elastic as it's actually a children's one - yay for small wrists! These are made my the Mother's of the children who attend the school.

This is the second piece I bought which is just a super simple wooden cross on an extendable rope necklace but I love it and it's something I would wear a lot. Again, the wood is from Malawi and shaped over there. They are made my the charity to raise money. Both pieces were so cheap - though I could have bought a lot more. 

Also, bought this little number but this wasn't from the Charity shall. I have a small obsession with thumb rings. I loved this one. It's real silver and very cute! This cost about £5 from someone who lives in the village too. I expect to be getting a lot more from her now she knows. Again, could have spent so much. It was a great day despite the weather though. Long live the small village show! 

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