Wednesday 26 September 2012

John Frieda Full Repair Review.

The John Frieda Full Repair range claims to 'repair the look and feel of overworked hair.' Yes, my hair is overworked. Yes, it probably could do with repairing and yes, I had high hopes for this range.

I purchased this when it first came out about 4 months ago. I bought the shampoo, the conditioner and the heat-activated styling spray. It looked and sounded good and smelt good too. But for me, that's were the good things end.

The shampoo was a total letdown. It didn't lather at all and after it had been washed out made my hair feel so straw-like it was ridiculous. For me, a shampoo needs to leave my hair feeling clean whereas this shampoo just made it feel stripped of al it's natural oils and niceness. The whole point of this range, if I remember righty.

The conditioner was the second letdown. It didn't really condition my hair at all. It did make it feel smooth when it was wet but as it dried, even though I leave my hair to dry naturally and don't use heat, I could feel my hair drying out and it felt quite brittle and hard. It also left a feeling that it hadn't been washed out properly, which the first time I thought could have been my fault. So I made sure I had the second use but still the same problem of greasy, heavy roots - I don't get greasy hair even after days of not washing. I also got a funny layer on my scalp that looked a bit like dandruff but again has the texture of product that hadn't been washed out. It was disgusting.

Finally, the heat-activated spray. I will be honest, I haven't really tried this product as I don't use heat. But it was on offer for 3 for 2, so I needed something! It is a nice softening spray and isn't too greasy but as for being a styler - no way. It worked for me as heat defense spray if and when I did use heat but that's it.

All in all, I was pretty disappointed in a range I had such high hopes for - but maybe that was my hair. If you have any recommendations of what to try next, please let me know! I have just purchased the Herbal Essences Hello Hydration to try, review to come!

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