I am a huge country girl. I love the countryside. I was born in it and I love in it. Many people think this means I was brought up on a farm and went to a tiny village school and I wish that I did, but I didn't. I went to a normal school on the outskirts of a large town but when I left, I moved. Back to a tiny village in semi-rural Yorkshire. My home. I am proud to be a Yorkshire girl.
Many people hate the accent and think that 'Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred, strong in t'arm, thick in t'head' is more a way of life than a little rhyme. I do know some people from Yorkshire who even I can't understand and I am sad to say I don't have a Yorkshire accent as strong as most people believe I would. I am quite well educated and I think I just sound a little rough-around-the-edge English. I do sometimes forget to pronounce my T's and I do have a little twang but damn it, I wouldn't change it for the world!
My son is signed up to the next village along's school. He will be one of only 7 children in his year. It's acceptable of me to were a Barbour jacket and not look like a cheap city girl just wearing a label. I have a pair of Hunter wellies and a wax jacket and this is day to day attire. It's all about knits, fleece and walking boots. I have two different wardrobes; Village life and city life. Walking the dog and walking in Jimmy Choo. Waterproof walking trouser and PU leggings. I know I'm in the minority on this, but why go abroad on holiday when there is so much of the UK to explore? Give me the highlands, the mountains and the south coast anyday! Oh, and this view of my village.
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