Wednesday 31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!

It's Halloween and this year I am super excited as my little man understands it a bit more this year. I love the dressing up and eating laods of sweets - obviously. It's a fun time of year that brings everyone together - I think it's great. It's also the start of Christmas, for me.

I know this isn't what I usually post on here but I love to bake and wanted to share this recipe with you all. I made ginger cake with cute little pumpkin moulds last night and they were gorgeous. It's also a really simple recipe that anyone could do.

It's a standard victoria sponge cake mix of 4 oz sugar, 4 oz soft butter, 4 oz self-raising flour and 2 eggs. I swapped the caster sugar for dark muscovado sugar and also added a tablespoon of cocoa and a tablespoon of ground ginger - though this would be to taste, add a little at a time to make sure you get it right. If you put too much ginger in and it becomes too bitter for you, my trick is to add a little icing sugar as it's light enough not to weigh the batter down. Cooked at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, these were perfect. To finish I just added a little icing drizzled on the top for sweetness.

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