Thursday 6 December 2012

#blogmas. Day 5.

Okay, who's a naughty blogger! I'm so sorry this post is out late but it does mean you get 3 posts today... 

Yay, it's home coming day! My other half has been away in Europe for the last week, I've missed him loads!

It was a super busy day going to meetings today so again, I had to grab lunch on the go. Still on my no-bread kick so I opted for a salad today. I always grab one of these from ASDA that's literally 30 seconds from my house. I love the ham and egg salad. I'll have this with a snack pot of grapes and some orange juice.

I also picked up the new issue of Company magazine today. I love Company as it's a great light read with some bargain high-street buys in it. This issue is the Superblogger's issue so I've found loads of new blogs to follow and browse which is always fun! I can't seem tog et my head around the fact it was dated 2013. This year has flown!

I'm wearing a rediscovered lipstick today. This is obviously from the MAC Wonder Woman Collection and is the Marquise D' lipstick. It's a lustre lipstick which is about as shimmery as I get but this had, for some reason, been pushed to the back of my collection. I still love you, lipstick.

My other half is finally home from his holiday so I was pretty excited to see him. We went out to one of our favourite places in the Pennines to go and watch shooting stars. It's so dark there, you can see hundreds upon thousands of stars, it's amazing. It's also next to a wind farm so it's pretty spooky up there. We took take out and a blanket and had an amazing time. It was snowy up there too! And yes, that is correct, it was -3 degrees!

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