Saturday 15 December 2012

#blogmas. Day Thirteen and Fourteen.

I am so sorry that my posts haven't been going live but we had a powercut on Thursday evening for over 18 hours and then our phonelines (and therefore internet) went down too. But the engineers have been here all morning and we now have internet and power. The only problem about living in a tiny village!

Day Thirteen.

First thing this morning, we did an ASDA run to get stocked up for Christmas. My little man is getting big now so we've decided to stay potty training just after Christmas so I got a few packets of these pull ups. I think it's going to be a bit of a stressful time. I can't wait...

These Rolo biscuits are seriously yummy! My Step-Mom bought a packet round for me. They're soo nice. They're a giant rolo with biscuit pieces in them. Even my little man likes them!

This is my pooch, Betty. She's a Labrador - Rottweiler cross. I've had her since a puppy but she was rescued. She's my baby (number 2) but she's a handful. I always take her for a really long walk in the afternoons for about two hours. This weather is really shit for country dog walking. You can see here how snowy and frosty it was. She's got her eye on something here. 

Day Fourteen.

It's another freezing day today. This beanie was a Topman purchase from A/W 2010 but I love it, I love knit! It's a little bright but with a dark outfit it can really work. The dog's hating the cold but I am having no peeing in my house! The rain is terrible today too. It's so icey!

Going out to buy the final items for the shoe boxes that will be getting sent to Romania for the orphans. It's being run through the church that houses Foodbank. On the shopping list today are toy cars, socks and gloves and colouring books. We put loads of chocolate in there, toothbrushes and toothpaste, colouring pencils, a teddy each and some biscuits! I hope it makes them happy opening them on Christmas morning!

These are my little man's stocking fillers than I'm going to wrap tonight. I did all his bigger presents last night so it's just all his little bits to do now. Until I realised I had loads in next door's attic. I totally forgot about them, so he now has loads of presents. This is what I get for starting shopping in September!

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