Saturday 15 December 2012

The Winterlicious/Christmas Tag!

I'm not a huge one for Tag posts, I think they work better as videos than blog posts but hey, ho. I really wanted to get a little bit Christmas-y on here so I thought the Winterlicious Tag and the Christmas Tag would be the perfect way to do it! But then I read the questions are realised that they're pretty much the same thing. So here you have it, my Winter-y Christmas Tag! 

Favorite Winter Nail Polish? 
If you know me at all, you know my nail polish changes daily. I use a lot of darker colours in the winter but I love a gorgeous red for Christmas day - for me it's a must. I bought the Essie - Lacquered Up rrecently and it's perfect for me. I love wearing it with a gold glitter over the top of an accent nail. 
Favorite Winter lip product?
As much as I love a deep purple lip for fall and winter, that would be pretty crap without super-soft lips. For the last few days, when the weather has really took a turn for the worse, I haven't really been wearing any colour on my lips, only my Balmi lip balm. I did a review on it here. It makes your lips super soft and does add a little sheen to the lips. I'm still wearing it everyday and I have collected a few of the others since I wrote that post. And honestly, I still find them adorable. All little and ball-y!
Most worn Winter clothing piece?
I think my most worn Christmas piece would have to be my PU Leggings. I  know they aren't super Winter-y but I have been wearing them a lot at the moment. Teaming them with oversized jumpers is a favourite look of mine. I have loads of OOTD posts to look through if you want some PU-spiration.
Most worn Winter accessory? 
Again, I keep the same accessories but are they really winter-y? I've been wearing my cream scarf and my studded gold bracelet a lot at the minute so I guess that's my most worn. I do like gold in the Winter, it's so much warmer.
Favorite winter scent/candle?
I am a huge lover of mint scents so my Christmas scent tends to be a Candy Cane scent like the Philosophy scent. As for candles, if anyone knows where I can get a Candy Cane scent please let me know!
Favorite Winter beverage?
My favourite Christmas drink is a non-alcoholic one. I only really drink white wine and that isn't Christmas-y at all! I do however love one of the Starbucks Limited Edition drinks. It's actually not running this year which I almost cried about. It was the Dark Cherry Mocha and yum, yum it was! It was only a simple mocha but with a dark cherry flavour syrup. Luckily, I stocked up on a few bottles of it as it's only sugar syrup it lasts for like, years. My homemade version is no where near as good at the Starbucks version though. Damn you, Starbucks. 
All time favorite Christmas/Holiday movie?
Home Alone 1&2 hands down. After 2, they get a little crappy but Home Alone are my favourite movies at all time, never mind Christmas. I do like Elf too but Home Alone just doesn't get touched. 
Favorite Christmas/Holiday song?
I really don't do Christmas songs, they annoy the crap out of me. But I guess it would have to be Band Aid just because of the cause. The original one though, not the recent re-do.
Favorite Holiday food/treat?
It has to be mince pies for me! I love them. Only last year did I realise I actually liked them but I've definitely made up for it. The iced top ones are my favourite but I'm really not fussy. Me, my sister and my Dad used to make Christmas biscuits when we were little, they were so good. I think I'm going to make some very soon too. While we made biscuits my sister and Mum used to make mince pies. And for treats, I do like a good candy cane!
What is your favorite Christmas Decoration this year?
My favourite decoration has to be a cute little Reindeer jumping out a present with my little one's name on it. It's only little but it's adorable. And seeing as though it's his second Christmas I couldn't put up all the First Christmas ones we had out last year.
What's at the top of your Christmas list?
I have no idea.I really don't know what I want for Christmas this year. I've concentrated a lot more on Isaac this year and having a really nice family Christmas. The one thing I do know I'm getting is a 'Mum' ring off Isaac, bought by me obviously. I really wanted one for quite a while, I  know they're a little tacky to some people but I do really like them. It's all wrapped, ready under the tree.
What are your plans for the holidays this year?
We're having a really cute family Christmas this year. It'll be me and Isaac, my Dad and Step-Mom, all her side of the family. We'll take Isaac to see my sisters on Christmas Eve and then seeing my Dad's side of the family on the Saturday before Christmas. Nothing too over the top. I think Isaac will understand it a lot more next year so we'll be seeing Santa and reindeer and leaving the cookies out for Santa then.

Happy Christmas Everyone! 

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