Thursday 13 December 2012

My Fashion Idols: Ellie Goulding.

I love seeing someone in the public eye that has the same fashion mantra as I do. Ellis Goulding, known worldwide for her amazing voice, is one of my fashion idols. Beanie hats and PU leggings, what can I say? She's a girl after my own heart.

In a recent issue of Glamour Magazine she said, "If I'm stuck for what to wear, I put on the tightest latex trousers I can find, the biggest heels and then a white or black t shirt." Ellie, I couldn't have said it better myself. You see so many pictures of Goulding looking fabulous in a casual way, hats and make up free still without flaw.

Her versatility goes beyond when it comes to outfits. She could master any look on the red carpet, her famous masculine dresses are a favourite of mine. Quoted on saying she wears a lot of black, she wears colour so well too. Recently pictured in a red floor length gown, she looked stunning.

Her eye for high end is very much there too. She is often spotted with a Burberry trench coat and yes, I am a little bit jealous.

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