Wednesday 12 December 2012

#blogmas. Day Eleven.

This is how today started. Me and my Stepmom were up at 7am to do some Christmas shopping. We went through the drive-thru so that no one saw us. It was pretty yummy actually!

My new favourite polish! This was one I bought the other day, its the NYC Polish in Full Metal Jacket. It's a great colour that dried and applied with ease. Super cute for the Christmas period!

I had to grab my coffee on the run today - this week has been so busy! This is my first 'red cup' of the season from Starbucks. I usually get a flat white but I went for a latte today - what a rebel!

Me and the other half went out for dinner tonight and though I didn't take my camera I did snap this quick pic of my outfit (look out for the OOTD post tomorrow) before I went out. PU leggings, could you have guessed?

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