Wednesday 21 November 2012

A Not-so-True Match Foundation?

Another foundation review for you - sorry! This time its for a drug store foundation and I have to admit, I had no plans of reviewing it. I had a few samples of the L'OrĂ©al Paris True Match Foundation and I just wanted to try a foundation that isn't £25+, who doesn't! I have read a lot of good things about this foundation but for me, nothing seemed to work.

The colour was W3 Golden Beige which I knew would be too dark for me, but it would matter for a tester around the house. It claims to be the 'perfect match with the colour and texture of your skin' and to be 'super-blendable, perfect coverage without caking.' I have to disagree with both of these statement.

When I first put the foundation on my hand I noticed it had a very strong yellow undertone. When I applied it to my face, there was no matching going on! I knew it was dark but it should have matched to my skin tone, surely? It stayed yellow and quite honestly it made me look like a Simpsons extra. But that wasn't the only problem. It didn't look good on the skin. I like a foundation that, if needs be, I can throw in a minute or two. This foundation was hard work. I think it took about 5 or 6 minutes of buffing just to make it look like my face under it. I found it to be a very heavy foundation which does happen with a full coverage sometimes. This wasn't full coverage. Even being too dark for my skin, it didn't cover up the mild redness around my nose.

I can find a good point in all of this though, it did look nice (bar the colour) when I had finished buffing it. It was dewy but not shine. It did stay put a long time too. I applied a matte powder on the top and it still looked good some hours later.

When I'd taken it off, I could still feel it on my skin. It felt heavy and blocked - I had to get my face steamer onto it! I cleansed even after Simple wipes and I still felt the weight and cakeiness of it. Not a nice feeling.

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