Friday 30 November 2012

November Favourites!

Favourites time again, guys. This month's favourites are again, pretty predictable but hey, ho. Crazy to think that next month will be the last favourites of 2012!

Favourite Hair Product - Granier Fructis Repair and Shine Shampoo and Conditioner. You all know how much I have raved about this, how could I not? Still going strong, I am loving this hair care system. I have a full review a few posts down if you're interested. It leaves me hair feeling super soft and totally manageable. Soft and healthy is definitely a good hair look.

Favourite Nail Product - Water Transfers. Probably my best purchase this month was my water transfers off eBay. My first was obviously my Obama transfers but I have bought quite a few more since. They are super easy to use and add a little something to a nail look. You can get pretty much any design, even do them yourself. They're cheap and easy, fun and quirky. How can you go wrong?

Favourite Make Up Product - MAC Eyeshadow in Fig. 1. What can I say about this shadow? I spoke about it in the haul and the Coloured Brows post. I'm using it everyday and carrying a second in my bag for eyebrow touch ups. I am loving having purple brows and I seriously owe that lovely MAC MUA a pint.

Favourite Tool - Angled Eyeliner Brush. This item sort of relates to the one above. You can't do your brows without a brush and that is what I use this for. I like jsing an angled brush on my brows as I find it's easy to get a defined line and also quick to fill in. You get a lot of control with an angled brush. This specific brush was from IMATS in 2010 and is 1/8 of an inch.

Favourite Accessory - Hammered Gold Ring. I have wore this ring quite a lot this month. And I really wanted to add something different that wasn't my bargain 80p earrings. I like how simple yet effective this ring is. It's really nothing special but really adds to an outfit. I'm totally loving gold right now too so it's great just to add that extra something.

Favourite Fashion Item - A Beanie. Ah, the humble beanie. I'm all for a hat no matter what the season and I have been loving wearing a fedora or a beanie this season. This one is a personal favourite as I just love the colours - it goes with most of my wardrobe this season. Whether you go chic, totally over the top or bobble, you really can't go wrong with a hat, just dress it right and style your hair around your hat! My number one tip.

Favourite Miscellaneous - Kindle Fire HD. Could it be anything else? I use it numerous times a day from blogging, tweeting, Skyping, making notes, shopping lists and of course, reading! I find it easier to use (due to size) than the iPad and over £200 cheaper. What else can I say?

3 Steps to Glam Make Up.

Its nearing Christmas which means parties, drinks and a lot of photographs. I follow a few very simple rules to make sure my make up fits the bill.

Red Nails.  They are a must! Not only do they add an instant Christmas feel but they look so glam. This is the only time of year I really wear red nails but I love them so much. My only note would be don't wear them with a red dress or top, they're meant to stand out. Essie's Lacquered Up is my perfect shade.

Red Lips. Again, how am can you be? I know its quite easy to cross the line with a red lip but if its carefully worn, it can look amazing. Red lips have to be matte for me and I have found that being cheap doesn't mean it looks cheap. My go-to red is by MUA and is shade 13. If you must go high end, Russian Red by MAC would be my choice. Just remember with a red, you need to keep it looking fresh at all times. Again, don't team red lipstick with a red dress but do wear nails and lips together.

Gold Eyes. When wearing red lipstick it's important to keep the eyes simple. Nothing saying you have to go bare, but you don't want heavy. I love wearing gold shadow with a red lip. I think its bold enough without being overpowering. With a touch of eyeliner and lashings of mascara, you're all set!

Thursday 29 November 2012

100 Questions Tag!

As promised, the 100 question tag. I know there are a few versions of this but this is the one I picked up. Some of the questions are no use to me as I'm not in America but yeah, it took a while.

1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
One open and one closed. My TV lives in my wardrobe so that door is usually open. They're mirrored so it makes a huge difference to the room.

2. Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
All the time but I never, ever use them. The Radisson Blue ones are my favourite, they smell of sherbet lemons!

3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Out! Usually meaning my duvet ends up the wring way around, half off my bed.

4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Traffic cone count?

5. Do you like to use post-it notes?
Nope. I have electronics for that!

6. Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?

7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Bees. They're less likely to attack and probably wouldn't kill you for meat...

8. Do you have freckles?
Very, very light ones on my arm when I catch the sun.

9. Do you always smile for pictures?
Usually but not always.

10. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have too many to pick my biggest but probably fat people who take up shit loads of room everywhere. Cue the hate.

11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
On stairs, yeah!

12. Have you ever peed in the woods?
When I was younger and our car broke down, yes!

13. What about pooped in the woods?
Luckily I've never needed to. I hope this answer remains the same for the rest of my life.

14. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing?
The music is in my head. And yes.

15. Do you chew your pens and pencils?

16. How many people have you slept with this week?
One. My little boy.

17. What size is your bed?

18. What is your Song of the week?
Hall of Fame- The Script. Its been stuck in my head for a long time now.

19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
No. Not due to it being a 'girls' colour, I just don't think I've seen a guy look good in pink.

20. Do you still watch cartoons?
Welcome to being a parent.

21. What's your least favorite movie?
Plenty that I've turned off part-way through.

22. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
That would be telling...

23. What do you drink with dinner?
If I'm out it would be soda and lime or a white wine.

24. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ketchup or just eat them plain!

25. What is your favorite food?
Savoury rice.

26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
A Knights Tale is probably number one, but loads.

27. Last person you kissed/kissed you?
My other half.

28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
My sister was a Brownie but I wasn't.

29. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?

30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Not too long ago actually. I can't remember what for either...

31. Can you change the oil on a car?
Erm, yes I probably could actually!

32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket?

33. Ran out of gas?

34. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Ham and salami or a BMT from Subway.

35 Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Strawberries and grapes with natural yogurt or a bacon bagel.

36. What is your usual bedtime?
I go to bed pretty early but sleep time varies. A lot.

37. Are you lazy?
Not really but I like to do nothing and chill out quite a lot.

38. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
Shit loads of different stuff.

39. What is your Chinese astrological sign?
A monkey!

40. How many languages can you speak?
Only English - a true Brit! I could pick up the general idea of a conversation in French and Spanish.

41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Vogue, Company and Glamour.

42..Which are better Legos or Lincoln logs?
Lincoln what?!

43. Are you stubborn?
When I need to be, yes!

44. Who is better...Leno or Letterman?
UK baby!

45. Ever watch soap operas?
Nope. I have no time for scheduled TV.

46. Afraid of heights?
No actually!

47. Sing in the car?
Yes. A lot.

48. Dance in the shower?
Bath > shower.

49. Dance in the car?
Errrrm, no.

50. Ever used a gun?

51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
My last photo shoot was about 3 months ago.

52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I hate musicals.

53. Is Christmas stressful?
Not at all! I love Christmas.

54. Ever eat a pierogi?
I won't deny it, I googled what it was. And I don't like dumplings so I would never eat one.

55. Favorite type of fruit pie?

56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Prison guard or an archaeologist, naturally.

57. Do you believe in ghosts?
I believe in spirits are there are many things that can't be explained but ghosts as in translucent people, no.

58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Too much, it sort of freaks me out.

59. Take a vitamin daily?
Yes and extra iron supplements.

60. Wear slippers?
If I have socks on, no. If I don't then yes, usually.

61. Wear a bath robe?
Nope. Though I own about 3.

62. What do you wear to bed?
A mix of nothing, underwear, short PJs, fluffy PJs and my onesie. And the odd day of my day clothes such as trackies and a jumper when its freezing.

63. First concert?
Hipslinky at the Leopard in Doncaster when I was about 12.

64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
ASDA is part of the Wal-Mart group, so yeah.

65. Nike or Adidas?

66.Cheetos Or Fritos?
UK baby!

67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?

68. Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?

69. Ever take dance lessons?
Yes, in high school.

70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
A nurse as that's what my other half is?

71. Can you curl your tongue?
Who can't?

72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never took part in one.

73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes. When my little lad was born.

74. Own any record albums?
No, I wish I did though.

75. Own a record player?
As above.

76. Regularly burn incense?
No it plays havoc with my asthma.

77. Ever been in love?
I don't think so.

78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Nine Inch Nails, again.

79. What was the last concert you saw?

80.Hot tea or cold tea?
Hot coffee, cold tea.

81.Tea or coffee?
Both. But if I had to chose one forever it would be coffee.

82. Sugar or snickerdoodles?
UK baby!

83.Can you swim well?
Yeah, I love swimming.

84.Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?

85. Are you patient?
Oh, no. Not at all.

86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Band. Unless I was DJing...

87.Ever won a contest?
At school for the best at something. Nit a random win thing though.

88. Ever have plastic surgery?
Yes but only necessary work on my jaw.

89. Which are better black or green olives?

90.Can you knit or crochet?
I can knit and I love it.

91. Best room for a fireplace?

92. Do you want to get married?

93. If married, how long have you been married?

94. Who was your HS crush?
No one from my school I'm afraid.

95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Very rare I dont get my own way.

96. Do you have kids?

97. Do you want kids?
One more, a girl.

98. Whats your favorite color?
At the moment its purple.

99. Do you miss anyone right now?

100. Did you watch, Next Great American Band on FOX?
UK baby!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Collection 2000 3-in-1 Foundation.

You may notice over this next week that a lot of posts go up on my blog. This is 100% down to the fact that my other half has gone away to Europe for a week and left me behind - sob!

A 3 in 1 (aka solid to liquid foundation) is a handbag staple for me. I like to touch up with ease during the day. This is the Collection 2000 'Ultimate Fix' answer to my staple. A foundation, concealer and powder in one, sounds good enough. The fact is has a mirror and comes with a sponge is an added bonus and it has an SPF, can it get any better? It comes in one 3 shades and mine is naturally, the palest.

I love the packaging of this product and as stated, the mirror is a great touch. Anything that saves time for me is a massive bonus. I tried this foundation out a lot in different ways to really review it. I've seen a lot of good reviews on this product but I'm afraid mine is not a good review.

I found the colouring to be fine for me, pale enough without being white. The texture feels nice when getting the product out onto the sponge. Id suggest changing the sponge regularly. I found when using the foundation as a base in the morning and to touch up, it gave the same effect. It didn't cover much and it left my skin shiny. Though it stayed on great and seemed to be quite moisturising, it sunk into my drier skin and left it looking horrible and flakey. Even with a serum on underneath, it didn't sit well on my skin. The shiny-ness was beyond what I'd call dewy. I looked like a disco ball! It didn't give any sort of coverage and I only have slight redness on my cheeks and nose. I don't think it would do much over blemishes. So as cheap as it was (£4.99) I think I will stick to my MAC Studio Tech from now on.

Bargain Oversized Jumpers.

I have been loving wearing my obligatory PU leggings with an oversized jumper - seeing as though the temperature has dropped a silly amount over the last few days. I wanted some warmer jumpers - apparently style does come above comfort. These very loose knit jumpers look super cute but really, you'd be better wearing a tshirt. I found 2 jumpers the other day that were super cheap (one a Primark bargain) and there was a huge choice. My secret? Wear mens!

The first jumper I found was while walking through a local market where I go for the farm stalls. I noticed a cable knit jumper in a nice army green - if such thing exists. It was on a normal clothing stall but its pretty similar to a fisherman's jumper available from army stores. They were men's jumpers and I picked up a small. I usually wear a size 8 (UK) on the top half and a small men's is about a size 12, so it is a little bigger. But just enough bigger. I love the fit and obviously the style and colour. It looks fabulous with PU leggings, my LV Speedy and some gold jewellery. And the best bit? It was only £6!

My second jumper was from Primark but also from the men's section. Its a gorgeous maroon colour with lighter flecks in it. And it has elbow patches. Yes. Elbow patches. It is fabulous. Also in a small it's also a great fit! It's a hell of a lot warmer than the women's ones available for the same price range - £10.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

And She Went to the Ball!

And She went to the Ball!

The guy I'm currently seeing casually invited me to his graduation ball last week for last Saturday - nothing like short notice. This is a big event. I wanted the perfect outfit without wearing a prom dress, was it possible? The answer is yes! I thought about this seasons must haves and what I'd seen out on the high street at the moment. The first thing that came into my head was a long sheer skirt I'd seen in Primark- you will probably have seen it too. It comes in wine and a pale peach, for £14 its a total bargain! I though that, teamed with a plain black vest and some JC‘s would look simple yet gorgeous. With a good choice of accessories and a black clutch, this could work...

Only getting 4 days notice for this sort of event isn't ideal- though great to blog about! I didn't run through of hair and make up to try and decide what to do. I'd decided to keep my hair sleek and pulled back, perfect for my simple look. My make up, I wanted a simple eye with a deep lip. Nothing too over the top. My nails would be Essie's Sole Mate. I'd decided on my bargain drop cross earrings too- they look lovely with tied up hair!

The evening was amazing and I had such a good time. My outfit went together perfectly and I got loads of compliments! Apologies to any girls who spent a lot of time and effort on outfits. I'll post the pictures when I finally get them from the photographer!

About Me Monday.

I really struggled to think of a topic this week. Nothing overly exciting has happened in this last week. I thought I'd find out one of the better 'About Me' tags that float around these parts.  I will sit and do the 100 questions tag soon, I promise! But for now...

Are you named after anyone? Nope. Just a joint decision from my Mum and Dad.

When was the last time you cried? I not to be a big crier - I prefer anger. I'd say it would be a few weeks ago when my boy was ill?

Do you have kids? Plural, no. Singular, yes!

If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? Hell no. I'm boring as fuck!

Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only when it's fitting to do so, so not a lot really.

Will you ever bungee jump? No. I'd skydive though...

What's your favourite cereal? Start!

What is your eye colour? Blue, baby.

What is the first thing you notice about people? Their height. Then bone structure in a guy and hair on a girl.

Scary movie or happy ending? Either, depending on my mood. I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to movies and TV shows.

Favourite smells? Spearmint, fresh bread and D&G No. 6.

Summer or winter? I feel less out of place in Winter.

Computer or TV? You can watch TV on a computer and have a computer in your TV so...

What's the furthest you've ever been from home? LA.

Where were you born? North Yorkshire, England.

What are your hobbies? Photography, travelling, reading and knitting.

Do you have any pets? Two dogs. A westie and a rottweiler. They're the best of friends!

Favourite movie? Hmm, I'm going to have to say Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Though any Potter would do, any time.

Do you have any siblings? Two sisters and I'm the youngest!

What do you want to be when you grow up? HAPPY!

Sunday 25 November 2012

Coloured Brows are Go!

I finally did it, I bit the bullet and went to MAC for expert help on my brow dilemma. Can I really have purple brows without looking too out there? The answer is yes, thanks to some amazing MUA who was helping me.

I gave her a little background and she seemed to know exactly what I wanted. She also picked out the colour I‘d have chosen myself- ten points to me. She advised I fill my grows in with a light brows for a base and to get the right shape, then go over with the purple to get the colour. Not what I would have done but hey, I trust the girl. She chose Charcoal Brow as the base and Fig. 1 as the purple. It took her all of two minutes to do but it looked amazing, just how I imagined! It wasn't too harsh on my face but you could see the purple but it wasn't too in your face. It also matched my hair perfectly too. She also managed to shape my brows amazingly. I have done it myself at home and though I have almost mastered the colour, it lacks the perfect shaping. Why can't lovely MAC lady do my brows everyday? Sob!

My Week in Pictures!

Monday. Treated myself to this yummy chocolate tart from a local patisserie today. It was as good as it looks.

Tuesday. I wore this cute cross clip today. It's from Primark and was only £1.50 - total bargain!

Wednesday. My Kindle Fire HD case came today! I chose purple and it's the exact same shade as my MUA nail polish in Plum Noir! 

Thursday. Today was a naughty day...

Friday. I have studded nails today!

Saturday. Pre-ball hotel drinking.

Sunday. Last night was amazing. These are the place cards on our table.I have my other half's. 

Thursday 22 November 2012

Obama Nails!

I went on eBay the other day to check out the nail supplies and as usual, there were lots of water transfers on there. I've never really looked at them before but this time I did and I found some amazing Barrack Obama ones. I totally back Obama and for £1.99 I just had to have them. I found a couple of YouTube videos on how to put them on, it seemed simple enough.

On the advert on eBay they had been laid on a nude nail polish and they looked great - hence my need on the last haul. I picked up Essie's Vanity Fairest as it wasn't too pink. As it was pretty sheer I put about 3 light, even coats on to build up the colour. According to the videos all you do is cut them out, dunk them in water, put on your nails and press. Sounds easy enough... 

And they were! They literally slid off the back paper and there you have it, Obama faces! They do look a little rushed but it was my first time. I have to admit I am super impressed with these and will be using them again soon. I guess they last as long as your nail polish does. I applied a single coat of Vanity Fairest on the top just to seal them but a clear top coat would do the job. Once dried they don‘t move on your nails but they do when still wet, so be careful! For the price they are seriously worth a pop and I will be using these a lot more in the future!

A Totally Unplanned Haul!

So, I accidently went shopping. I went into Boots to get some lunch (Philadelphia and smoked ham sandwich, Walker's Baked crisps and a Tropicana tropical juice. Yum!) and I may have got a little side-tracked. I went to have a little look at the Essie stand as I wanted a nude polish for a reason you'll see in a blog post very soon. And I did get one, just with a few other bits too...

Collection 2000 Extreme 24 Hour Flet Tip Liner in Purple. This wasn't something I was really looking for but I had swatched it one day while trying out purple eyeliners for my brows - yes, I know this one is not a pencil but still, I'd done all the others. All the others had worn off by the time I'd rubbed them and then finally got home a few hours later but this one was still going strong. It also didn't move much under a Simple face wipe. This thing is tough! So, I jsut had to have it! I haven't wore it out yet but I did try it on my eyes and it looks really nice, dark but softer than black. This cost £2.99 so was a great bargain.

MAC Matte2 Eyeshadow in Fig. 1. I bought this after I finally plucked up the courage to get my eyebrows done by the MAC MUA with purple. This is what she used and it looked amazing, just how I wanted it. A full post to come on this very soon.

MAC Pigment in Violet. Lovely MAC MUA also gave me a sample of this, saying it would work well with my purple brows. It's the pigment version of Stars n' Rockets with a pretty duo-chrome.

Revlon Nail Enamel in Emerald City. I'm going to pretend I didn't buy this just for the name... But it is a real unique polish. It's matte but glittery. It adds a really nice effect to your nails. It's dark green back colour is just daark enough while the light green sparkles really bring it to life. It wears really well too, I've currently got this on my toes!

Essie Nail Polish in Vanity Fairest. As the intro said, there is a reason I went for this and you'll see that in the next blog post! It's a gorgeous buildable yet sheer pinky toned colour. It has a little shimmer to it but isn't too much. I love Essie polishes so I'm pleased to add another to my collection!

Essie Nail Polish in Luxedo.  What a fabulous name! This polish is gorgeous, my favourite of the three. It's a deep, rich purple. It's the UK available version of Lincoln Park after Dark. It's great to look like black from a distance but it is infact, a purple shade. This picture really doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

A Not-so-True Match Foundation?

Another foundation review for you - sorry! This time its for a drug store foundation and I have to admit, I had no plans of reviewing it. I had a few samples of the L'Oréal Paris True Match Foundation and I just wanted to try a foundation that isn't £25+, who doesn't! I have read a lot of good things about this foundation but for me, nothing seemed to work.

The colour was W3 Golden Beige which I knew would be too dark for me, but it would matter for a tester around the house. It claims to be the 'perfect match with the colour and texture of your skin' and to be 'super-blendable, perfect coverage without caking.' I have to disagree with both of these statement.

When I first put the foundation on my hand I noticed it had a very strong yellow undertone. When I applied it to my face, there was no matching going on! I knew it was dark but it should have matched to my skin tone, surely? It stayed yellow and quite honestly it made me look like a Simpsons extra. But that wasn't the only problem. It didn't look good on the skin. I like a foundation that, if needs be, I can throw in a minute or two. This foundation was hard work. I think it took about 5 or 6 minutes of buffing just to make it look like my face under it. I found it to be a very heavy foundation which does happen with a full coverage sometimes. This wasn't full coverage. Even being too dark for my skin, it didn't cover up the mild redness around my nose.

I can find a good point in all of this though, it did look nice (bar the colour) when I had finished buffing it. It was dewy but not shine. It did stay put a long time too. I applied a matte powder on the top and it still looked good some hours later.

When I'd taken it off, I could still feel it on my skin. It felt heavy and blocked - I had to get my face steamer onto it! I cleansed even after Simple wipes and I still felt the weight and cakeiness of it. Not a nice feeling.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Updated Hair Care inc Garnier Repair and Shine!

I know I said in that haul post yesterday that I just haven't found a good hair care set up yet, well I think I have. The Garnier Fructis Repair and Shine is amazing. It left my hair feeling really soft and smooth and it had a super shine to it.

I washed my hair as usual, leaving the conditioner on for about five minutes. After finding it felt hydrated and really soft. I blow dried my fringe but let my hair dry naturally. When it had dried it felt healthy; smooth and soft. It looked amazing too. Even when it wasn't straightened (my hair is a little wavy but quite frizzy naturally) it still looked really nice.

I always wash my hair at night and then straighten it the next day. When I straightened it, I found it really easy to work with. It wasn't tangley at all and it straightened really well. It stayed straight too! After I wash it I sometimes find my hair doesn't article very well and stays a little frizzy. It looked really nice when it was all done. I still can't believe how soft it feels! I think this is it. I may actually repurchase some shampoo and conditioner! I need to go and see if they have a deep conditioner or anything else in the range as my hair is obviously taking really well to it.

Monday 19 November 2012

Outfit of the Night!

I work in a nightclub, so no suits for me! This is what I wore on Saturday night. Something a little different for me - a little daring!

Watch - Michael Kors at The Watch Shop. £229 S/S 2012.
Hair Tie - River Island. £3 Current.
Ear Cuff - River Island. £6 Current.
Shirt - T by Alexander Wang. £197.
Oversized Clutch - eBay. £8 bargain!
Leather Shorts - Primark. £12 Current.
JC Spike Lita Boots - Office. £135.

I kept this outfit pretty simple, even the accessories. Teaming a plain coloured outfit with heavy gold is my favourite! The gold bag is fabulous and was an eBay bargain. I love it. It instantly glams up any outfit.

About Me Monday!

I made a bucket list just after my son was born. I was 19 and refused to be another statistic, I wanted to make plans and ambitions. Bucket lists have suddenly become very popular but even when I was little, I said I wanted to do this, that or the other before I die. My bucket list is special to me. Its kept in a leather notebook bought specially and it won't ever be used for anything else.

I'm very lucky in the fact that I have actually managed to tick things off my bucket list already, though I did cheat a tiny bit and wrote some things I had already done but they were dreams so they still count, right? Here are just a few examples of my bucket list entries. Some are obviously done!

Blog. Have a baby. See the Northern Lights. Be in a music video. Go across America. Be given a piece of jewellery. Buy designer luggage. DJ live. Stay in a 5* hotel. Celebrate New Years properly. Have my own website. Run a marathon. Be taken on a date. See Garth Brookes live.

Creating a blog was pretty high up my bucket list priorities and yes, I now have one! I have also had a baby. Things like DJ live, see Garth Brookes and see the Northern Lights are all ones that have grown up with me- don't judge, Garth Brookes is cool, okay? Some of them seem a little silly such as being taken on a date and to be given jewellery but its my bucket list and I can put on it what I want! But seriously, to me they would be forever remembered and mean a lot. Bucket lists really are personal and although everyone has the basic ones of running a marathon and things, you really should build your bucket list around you. Its great fun and really rewarding to be able to sit ticking them off. I will carry my bucket list until I die, hopefully after ticking everything off!

Sunday 18 November 2012

A Toiletry Haul!

I know plenty of people do haul posts on their make up buys but there is still a lack of general beauty buy posts. I had to pick up a few things today so thought I‘d share them with you. I usually go to Boots or Superdrug depending on what area of town I'm in. Today it was Superdrug.

Simple Kind to Skin Cleansing Face Wipes. I would never dream of using any other cleansing wipes to take my make up off. I've found that these don't irritate my skin at all and do the job quickly and easily. They're also great for a quick brush spot clean or a make up touch up.

Colgate Max White One Active. I love this toothpaste. I always use a whitening one due to the amount of coffee I drink but I hate those baking powder ones that taste salty. This one is really minty and really does whiten. Not too sure about the ‘new look ‘ though, I liked the old box better!

Palmolive Soft and Gentle Extra Fresh Deodorant in Lotus and Watermelon. I usually change my deodorant up every time I buy a new one. I chose this one because its scent is lotus and watermelon and my God, its beautiful. Its a nice fresh scent though, not too overpowering.

L'Oréal Paris Elnett Satin Hairspray in Diamond Shine. I love Elnett hairspray. I won't ever use another. It has fabulous hold with little weight to it and obviously, it brushes out too. I bought the diamond shine one this time which I have never used before but I am loving sleek hair at the moment, I thought the added shine would be great. I always get a handbag sized one to carry around with me.

Garnier Fructis Repair and Shine Restoring Shampoo and Conditioner. Again, I've never used this before. I've not found an amazing hair care that I swear by, so I tend to buy a different one every time. I bought this again for the shine factor. My hair isn't in bad condition at the moment but you can't over do it. It smells amazing, very fruity. It contains olive, avocado and shea oil so if this doesn't do it, nothing will!

Saturday 17 November 2012

New Gadgets!

An electronics post on a beauty blog? Don't get too worried, they're just things that will help me better my blog. You may have noticed on recent pictures I've posted the dark shadow in the bottom right hand corner, this was due to a defect in product design causing the flash to bounce off a bit of shiny metal - good right? So I went out and bought a new camera. I bought an Olympus something or other... Its really little and light and has a great macro focus for nail close ups and things. It cost nearly double my old one and you can really tell. I'm really excited to be able to get a lot more pictures up on here very soon!

My second new gadget is a Kindle Fire HD. I love my Kindle eReader and was really excited when I heard about the Kindle Fire launch in the UK. My sister got her Fire the day they were released and loved it, so I knew I had to get one. And I'm so glad I did! They're amazing and I will now be able to blog on the go, write up ideas and notes as well as all the other things that a usual Kindle can do. My last few blog posts have been sent off my Kindle Fire so I hope you didn't notice that they only came from a tablet, not a computer.

Friday 16 November 2012

My Fashion Idols: Rosie Fortescue.

She is my personal favourite 'character' from Made in Chelsea - my guilty pleasure. Her blog is always the most read on my RSS feed. Her natural beauty is more than visible at all times. Her style influences a lot of what I wear. Rosie Fortescue is one of my style icons.

I'm all for a girl who can look fabulous in such little make up - how does she do it? Rosie is mainly seen with very neutral make up but I'm always shocked how amazing she looks in a dark lipstick. I love anyone who really suits a vampy look. Her effortless look is something I really envy. Often with soft waves, she steps out with poker straight hair with amazing reactions. Her versatility goes beyond any other.

With what I've called 'high-end edge,' Rosie quite often rocks leather with her outfits and suits red carpet dresses to masculine tailoring. Her style is adored worldwide as shown by the amount of fashion publications she is featured in, both writing for and written about. If you follow her blog you'll see the wide range of clothing companies that Rosie wears from Zara, River Island and to Alexander Wang, The Kooples and Stella McCartney. She somehow manages to get the mix of designer and high street just right. She also follows one of my huge fashion rules of statement jewellery. Her rings are to die for and she knows how to make what she's wearing look as affective as possible. And she can pull off a hat. Oh, how I adore her.

My Favourite A/W 2012 Hair Trend!

This is probably quite a surprise to a lot of you but recently I decided to try something different one morning. As usual the inspiration came from Vogue and a lot of the catwalks. Sleek hair, side partings and a tight ponytail - I am loving it!

Teaming this with just about anything adds an instant chic to an outfit. I've worn this with a range of outfits and it doesn't look out of place. I also love the range of make up you can get way with with this hair style - from a dark smokey eye to a vampy lip to a neutral look.

This look is also super easy to do, all you need is a hair tie, hairspray and maybe a bobby pin or two. I found the most successful way to achieve a tidy look that really stays is to brush it into shape, hairspray your hair, brush again and then secure. And then naturally another blast of hairspray for good look!

Thursday 15 November 2012

An Ice Pack for your Face? No, thank you.

Another one of Superdrug's amazing range of 24 face masks all priced at 99p. This was set to be my favourite - The Exfoliating Ice Blast Gel Mask.


It boasts both spearmint oil and menthol, and also dead sea crystals. With results said to be along the lines of  'a refreshed, renewed and ultra clean complexion,' I expected big things from this. I adore mint, especially soap and with added menthol, I thought it would be fabulous for my still-there cold. I like a good exfoliator as my dry skin sometimes looks flaky. It all sounded good but this went down hill pretty quickly.
When I opened the sachet I was let down by the lack of minty smell. It did apply well and the dead sea minerals were certainly there. On the skin it didn't give me the mint-tingly feeling I was longing for and it smelt waxy when it was applied. It did exfoliate well and it washed off easily. I was really disappointed with this. Maybe the next one will be better?

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Can you really rock coloured brows?

This is a serious question. I'm loving seeing them in Vogue as such as the moment, but I don't know if I can pull them off. I now have a full fringe but it isn't overly heavy so you can still see my brows under my fringe. I think it would look good, only just getting a glimpse. What do you think? I have black hair with a hint of purple, so purple was my thought.


Today is just a normal day but I am wearing two items from FCUK I got last week and a Primark bargain so I wanted to share with you.

Watch - Michael Kors at The Watch Shop. £229 S/S 2012.
Earrings - Market. 80p. (BARGAIN BUY!)
Peplum Vest - Primark. £4 Current.
Coat - FCUK. £325 Current.
Jeans - Topshop. £35.
Shoes - FCUK. £105 Current.
Handbag - Hermes. It was a gift!

I'm not an FCUK girl, in fact apart from a bag a few years ago, I don't like I own anything by them. But when I went into an FCUK store last week, I was blown away. The jacket is real leather with fully studded sleeves. At £325 it is a lot of money but it's something that I will have forever. The shoes are also from FCUK on the same shopping trip. I adored them! They are girly - though they don't look it. The bag is my beloved Hermes but I was given it as a gift. As usual I am wearing my Michael Kors watch and my bargain 80p earrings. The peplum vest is from Primark. It was £4 and I liked it because it's just a cotton vest it isn't stiff. And for £4, can you really complain?

Monday 12 November 2012

It's Christmas Eve!

Okay, it's not but Lush's Christmas Eve bubble bar is amazing. This was one of my purchases of this week and I have really loved it. It was mentioned to me because of my massive cold and though I couldn't smell it, I was told it would help. Bubble bars are my all time favourite Lush products. And the Christmas line is always great.

The Christmas Eve bubble bar is super pretty and very relaxing. It smells of jasmine and ylang ylang so it's really calming and I found it super enjoyable to bathe in. As all bubble bars it creates those tiny dense bubbles which I also love.  It stated it turns the water a deep, midnight blue but as you can see from below, mine went green. I did use the yellow half though.
After the bath it left my skin feeling super soft and hydrated - slightly oily but nice. It had a beautiful aroma and this did stay on the skin a little while after the bath too. This is a firm favourite of mine from now on.

About me Monday.

This isn't really an about me, but I wanted to share with you my one true love. The two second cheesecake.
As much as I'm not a food brand snob, it really does have to be McVitie's digestives. But whatever is your favourites is fine. But really, you have to try this - they're amazing.

Sunday 11 November 2012

My Nails inc. Nail Art.

As I said in my last post, I have a huge cold.  I used my time wisely and decided to paint and pretty up my nails a little bit. I used MUA Plum Noir all over the nails apart from on my ring finger which I put Rimmel Midnight (black) on. On top of the black I put on a matte top coat so it went to a matte black. On my thumb I put on some black diamonds from a nail art kit I bought from the pound shop. It was a quick look but I think it looks really good.

This is my first attempt at real nail art and though it's basic, I was pretty pleased with myself and will be trying some more again soon!

A Token to the Forest Gods! A Lush Review.

This week my standard, weekly trip to Lush was a little different to usual. I have a mega cold that will not shift - it's really running me into the ground. With huge thanks to the Lush Ladies, I still got some yummy  (or so I was told) smelling things for this week. While I was checking out, a lady came up to me and asked if I used the Toner Tabs. The answer to this was no. I have super sensitive skin and toner is the thing that really burns my skin. She ran off and brought me a single tab of A Token to the Forest Gods. She told me to use it as a steamer and it will ease my cold! Fabulous, I thought and because they are only one pound, I see no reason to not give it a go.

And boy, am I glad I did. I have a new obsession. The description on the label said, 'When dropped into a bowl of hot water, this tab will fizz into the water and steam will lift the beneficial blend of essential oils for you to steam your face. When the water has cooled, you can use cotton wool or a flannel in the water to wash away traces of cleanser or dirt from your face, neck and chest.' Which is exactly what I was told by my Lush Lady - use to steam your face then you can keep the water for 3 days to use as a toner.

When I steamed my face, it definitely helped lift my cold. It made my blocked nose a runny nose - sorry! But after I did feel it was easier to breathe and my sore throat really eased too. It left my skin feeling soft and plump afterwards and the smell was beautiful - yes I could even smell by the end of the steam!

The toner I was a little apprehensive about using but I thought I better try it, even if I do have a bad reaction. But no, it hasn't affected my skin at all! It left it feeling cool and cleansed and it looked really good too. It's gentle around the eyes too - another problem of mine. The only tiny downside is that the toner doesn't have much of a smell so you lose the yumminess of the steam.

Pets Rock Haul.

To anyone who read my Vogue Overview for November 2012 and saw my final comment about the Snoop Dog mug, I have found the creator. Pets Rock is a full range of dogs, cats and rodents made into celebrities. Here are a few pieces I picked up from a little boutique called Yela Brick Road. You can get all these items and a lot more here.
Travel pass holder.
Cards that I will use as prints.